Friday, April 18, 2008


I am so happy to say that God is still moving and blessing the church today. My husband and me had an opportunity to go out and visit with some friends of ours. They are pastoring a church in a small town in another state. I went to college with this pastor and we've been friends for over 20, I'm getting old.

For so many years, him and his wife had labored in a small town in Iowa, not really reaping a great harvest, but they were faithful to continue to reach the community for Christ. One day, after much prayer, the Lord led them to another church out of state. Since they've been there they have seen God move mightily. I am happy to say, this small church is growing and thriving and have out grown their building. They have purchased property and will break ground this summer and there are plans for a youth center and so much more. I truly know and believe, because they walked through the fire, they were faithful to God, and they are now repeating the benefits of their labor.

It was a great time and can't wait to fellowship with them again next month! Thank you God, that you bless those who bless you!

God is good all the time!

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