Saturday, May 31, 2008

I John 4:1 - Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

We are living in an exciting time right now. The Holy Spirit is imparting Christians to do the work Jesus has called us to do in the word. In the 90’s there was a mighty move of God and if you have been privileged to be a Christian during that time, your ministry was probably was as incredible as mine. But something happened after the 90’s… didn’t seem like the miraculous was happening any longer. It almost seemed like a dry time for the church. Well I am happy to say, the Lord is moving among his church today. He has begun pouring out his spirit on his children to do the work of the Lord. We are seeing people move in all areas on the gifts. God is healing his people and using Christians to pray for each other to see the sick healed and the dead raised. Could this be the last out pouring before the return of Christ? Maybe!

The outpouring in Lakeland is only just the beginning. The Holy Spirit has imparted an anointing among those who attended and then they have gone to their home towns and seen God continue it there. God is moving in Australia, England, Scotland, Whales, the US and so many other places. We are thanking God for this outpouring.

But a word of caution, as the scriptures state, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

Satan is a live and well and is using so called ministers, prophets, and any other title they give themselves to give a counterfeit experience. Do not believe every teaching you hear. Seek out the truth, read the Word, be sensitive to the spirit of God and test it. Do not be led astray during this important time for the church. Do not be deceived by this movement of “not laying on of hands.” God has called us in James 4 to call on the elders of the church and lays hands on the sick.

Go forth – do his work!

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